Original Stage Drama: The Dragon's Will10.21-22 13:30/17:00  

‘Ying long’and ‘an’ have helped Yellow Emperor to debat  Chiyou  and have helped Dayu to harness water. These two mythical animals have both got their own reward, and then drove into the bottom of the “Huang River”. People respect  ‘Ying long’ as a god, and they forget ‘Tan’. Centenary ago ‘Tan’came back again and he kill all fisherman, just for putting the anger of the heart and for bringing fair back to himself. Chengjun, the leader of the town ,command numerous officers

and soldiers to tussle with ‘Tan’, unfortunately, they were dead. Chegnjun’s wife died for love, and left the only son named luankun. Berore her death, she
make her son swear to go to Penglai to learn skills from celestial being, and come back to avenge his father when he get all skills.