Evolution – Adapting and Transforming

Theme of Young Talents Program in 2014:

Evolution - Adapting and Transforming

‘Evolution’, a biological theory... considers that all varieties of animals and plants evolve from other types of existences prior to them, the obvious differences of which are the result of constant changes in continuous generations.

- International Chinese version of Encyclopedia Britannica (1999 edition)

The intrinsic expression of the word ‘evolution’ in biology is survival of the fittest. The genetic variation due to the differences and changes of the environment would finally present the characteristic of biodiversity. The development of human social science and art has also presents a multi-linear rather than a single linear evolution. The continuous variation of social environment is also accompanied by the more open structures of art.

Adapting and Transforming emphasizes the task of artistic creation of the Chinese youth at present, which can be interpreted as follows: Learning and inheriting the experience of the Chinese traditional culture, as well as adapting to information explosion and the progress of science and technology; adapting to the multi-level and complexity of thinking; adapting not only to the comparison but to the close connection between both the western and the Chinese culture... It enlightens us to see the world in a broader view, with more diverse manifestation of forms, and to repeat the classic or explore innovation.