French One Act Play 《Two little boxes》 Oct. 26-28, 2017  Venue East Rehearsal Room, STA
Men! What are they like?!
A and J are two brand new male humans, growing up side by side. With no real identity, there is everything to play for. Their new heads and empty bodies are ready to be filled with experiences and worldly knowledge, and if we look closely, we will see two new men being formed.
Two Little Boxes is a highly physical, and often interactive piece of physical theatre, which knits together mime, dance, theatre, music and film. In a world where the only thing that speaks is the body, audiences may recognise the journey of A and J as a reflection of their own lives. It is a story of human social development, the insecurity of youth, the desire to fit in, the crisis of identity, the frustrations of relationships, and with all this: the construction of gender identity.