Live Soundscape and Electronic Music - Talking GoodsOct.18th - 19th, 2014  New Space Theatre, STA.

The work Talking Goods begins from the 'random' opening of a coke can, the seemingly trivial meaningless collision and extrusion constructs an interesting soundscape.  The inflectional storytelling and ballad singing in Suzhou dialect circuitously penetrates in modern metal tonality, the performance of Erhu, Pipa, or fast or slow, the dancer's moving point, the timely cuts in multichannel interactive electronic music rhythm...  The object, language, sound, and tone melt together, which is a subtle and ordinary leap into a special music experience.


 Li Lei

Li Lei is graduated from Shanghai Conservatory of Music in electronic music composing.  He won the second prize in the fifteenth session of the National Music Awards and the second prize in the third session of TMSK Liu Tianhua Award-Folk Music and Chamber Music Competition.  Many of his works were performed at the National Centre for the Performing Arts, Shanghai Grand Theatre, Shanghai Concert Hall, the Chinese Culture Center of San Francisco,Taipei National Concert Hall, MUSICACOUSTICA-BEIJING and Shanghai Spring International Music Festival.